# of watchers: 16
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-01-05 [catelfemma]: Are you saying that you're whisk at Elftown too?
2005-01-11 [Nita]: Eeek! You evil stalker :P
2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: *hides* I'm not here!
2005-01-11 [catelfemma]: Oy! I won't have any stalking on my wikis!
2005-01-11 [catelfemma]: OK, maybe you can stalk each other on Stalkers!
2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: *pokes [catelfemma] with a stick*
2005-01-11 [Sunrose]: oops. *smiles innocently*
2005-01-13 [catelfemma]: *pokes [Sunrose] back with sharper stick*. Pauses. Smiles innocently as well as [Nita] comes back on the page.
2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: -bleeeds-
2005-01-13 [catelfemma]: *Hands over a plaster*
2005-01-13 [Sunrose]: Ahw how sweet! (grumbles..firs
2005-01-14 [catelfemma]: I can't be a nurse if you don't have any holes in you to start with!
2005-01-14 [Sunrose]: Good point.. :P
2005-01-14 [frosties]: hello
2005-01-15 [Alfie]: hello everyone, how are you all?
2005-01-15 [Sunrose]: hi!
2005-01-16 [catelfemma]: Just to add to the general theme, hi!
2005-01-16 [Alfie]: hehe =^.^=
2005-01-17 [main purpose]: hi all
2005-01-17 [aimfire]: hail, who knows me?
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: hello Sunrose!!
2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: *runs*
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: *chases and tackles* you can't get away from me!
2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: Oh noooooooes! :'/
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: *huggles* wow, i *am* like a stalker...hehe
2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: Eeeek! Arrest her!!!
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: *holds on to sunrose tight* they can't tare us apart! it's true love!
2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: omg! maybe my limbs will be damaged during the break-up! :O!
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: they shouldn't try to keep us apart! this is the 21st century! love between two woman is to be accepted! how dare they try too keep us apart! *hugs sunrose tight*
2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: *women *to :PP
2005-01-20 [RaineDrop]: oops...yeah...
2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: O.o' oooh! :O!
2005-01-20 [RaineDrop]: i'm sad sunrose...can i have a huggle? *holds out arms*
2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: *BIG HUGGLE*
2005-01-21 [RaineDrop]: *huggles back* thanks Sunrose....you always can make me feel better....(^_^) *bites neck*
2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: Good! :D *tickles*
2005-01-21 [RaineDrop]: *squeaks* ahhh! no tickles! *struggles*
2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: *tickles more* :D
2005-01-22 [RaineDrop]: ahhhh! *pees pants* ewwww...
2005-01-22 [Sunrose]: eeewww! >.<
2005-01-22 [RaineDrop]: *changes pants in phonebooth like superman and is back like a speeding bullet* (^_^)
2005-01-22 [Sunrose]: wooooow! O.o'
2005-01-28 [ryuji]: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE
2005-02-01 [Matt. yes. Matt]: hey, weeeeee guy - ur fit! (a bit like a vicar)
2005-02-16 [jfd]: wtf
2005-02-23 [Neko-Chan]: *blinks*... hi every one. ^_^
2005-02-23 [jfd]: hehehe. hi.
2005-02-23 [Neko-Chan]: oh. ^_^ I know you. Hi Jo!
2005-02-23 [jfd]: hey! howsu?
2005-02-23 [Neko-Chan]: Im ok... just at school "learning" and makeing some kitty pictures for meow graphics. ^_^
2005-02-23 [jfd]: kool. wow! usa! lmao. has ne1 seen LOTR the 2 towers?
2005-02-23 [Neko-Chan]: Yes, Ive seen it. Sevral times.
2005-02-24 [jfd]: http://www.wee
2005-02-24 [RaineDrop]: hahaha...i have seen that...i love the badgers!
2005-02-24 [jfd]: yea! have u seen the original? www.badgerbadg
2005-02-25 [RaineDrop]: i have seen *all* of them
2005-02-25 [jfd]: hehe! what about santa badger?
2005-02-25 [RaineDrop]: *nods* i believe so...same thing only with santa ats? i don't know...i just remember going to my friend's house, waching them all, then leaving the original one on for 8 hours non-stop...lol
2005-02-25 [jfd]: hehe! yea. its annoyin after a while tho. http://www.ang
2005-02-25 [RaineDrop]: lol...yeah...b
2005-02-25 [jfd]: yea its well good. its on a link on the other site
2005-06-15 [The_FIRST_Wench]: what do you have to do to get banned?
2005-06-20 [Neko-Chan]: break the rules pritty much. and ususaly you have to do it more then once.
2006-01-06 [magickchik]: heya! i'm a member of elftown,but,al
Number of comments: 68 | Show these comments on your site |